Body Positive In Sport
Support your athletes to build, maintain and support a positive body image
Enroll in CourseBuild confidence in having conversations with your athletes, teams & communities about body image
Develop foundational skills which can strengthen body image work
Get clear about how to do the tougher parts of this work
Be an advocate for your athletes
As health professionals, we have suspect, or already have a good understanding that the way people feel about their bodies is a significant issue, but it may be the case that we don't actually know what to do to help them.
Athletes in particular can get caught up in cultural messaging about bodies which can be conflicting and confusing, leading them to be drawn into "Dr Googling" and/or undertaking behaviours which are unhelpful, or harmful in an effort to change their bodies.
We can make a difference by more deeply understanding the WHAT, WHY and HOW of body image work and become better advocates for our athletes.
This course is suitable for all health professionals working with all athletes or active people.
You'll learn:
- Why is talking about Body Image so important?
- How do athletes actually feel about their bodies? (aka “let’s geek out”)
- Establishing shared definitions - what is "body image" anyway?
- Risks & protective factors
- Scope of practice
- Nuts & bolts - skill building
- Communication & language
- Common tripping points
You'll learn:
- Why is talking about Body Image so important?
- How do athletes actually feel about their bodies? (aka “let’s geek out”)
- Establishing shared definitions - what is "body image" anyway?
- Risks & protective factors
- Scope of practice
- Nuts & bolts - skill building
- Communication & language
- Common tripping points
Course Curriculum
StartGetting yourself set up (3:13)
StartWhy is body image it so important to talk about? (17:02)
StartResearch - let's geek out! (6:51)
StartRisks & Protective Factors (20:06)
StartDefining "body image" & conceptualisations of Body Image Work (18:39)
StartScope of practice - whose job is what? (22:16)
StartWhere to start, Assessment (50:45)
StartSkill Building (45:21)
StartHow does Body Image actually improve? (12:06)
StartLanguage & Communication (36:04)
StartCommon tripping points & roadblocks (29:37)
StartResources & References (9:12)
Your Instructor
Fiona is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, Director of The Mindful Dietitian and host of The Mindful Dietitian Podcast. She has been practising for 20 years primarily in the areas of eating behaviour, eating disorders, body image, sports nutrition & education/training. Fiona has been actively integrating the Non Diet Approach into Dietetic practice for 15 years, and is passionate about supporting Health Professionals to develop skills in understanding more about the complexities of client presentations, and how we can shift from a focus on weight, to wellbeing.
Fiona is a dedicated mindfulness practitioner and Yoga Teacher, bringing a particular emphasis on mindful eating and the intersection of food environment, eating psychology and body image into her work and training. She has trained in MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), MSC (Mindful Self Compassion) and MB-EAT (Mindfulness Based Eating Awareness Training). Fiona is guest lecturer within the Masters level Dietetics courses at Deakin, La Trobe and Swinburne Universities, speaking specifically to the areas of eating behaviour, Body Image, counselling skills and the Non Diet Approach.
Fiona has been a guest on the podcasts Food Psych, Love, Food, Nutrition Matters, RD Real Talk, Don't Salt My Game, Body Love & The Body Image Podcast