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Eating Disorders in Sport
Setting it up - Diagnostics, Research & Risk
Introduction and Getting Started (7:21)
Eating Disorder Diagnostics (43:54)
Research Round Up (14:59)
Eating Disorders - Risk and Protective Factors (22:44)
Risk and Protective Factors in the Athlete setting (28:10)
Early Indentification - what's "normal" anyway?
Disentangling "Normal" from "Disordered" in the athlete setting (17:18)
Disentangling Body Goals and Performance Goals (27:27)
Screening, Assessment and Scope of Practice
Screening and Assessment (36:27)
Scope of Practice (27:04)
Hear from the experts!
Dr Scott Griffiths on Male athletes, eating disorders and Body Image
Prof Paula Quatromoni on tracking our athletes & timely intervention
Nikki Jeacocke on assessing knowledge and strategically planning your interventions
Medical, Nutrition and Exercise Management
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) (59:41)
Nutritional Management and the RAVES Model (81:31)
When can I exercise? Framework and guidelines for acitivity (49:54)
The keys to effective communication (52:29)
Stepping it up - Setting up frameworks & facing challenges
Eating Disorder Prevention in the Athlete Setting (40:19)
Common Challenges for Dietitians (28:58)
Lauren Anton on athlete identity, trauma & the power of self reflection
Case Studies
Case Study 1 (28:09)
Case Study 2 (29:48)
Research, Links, Podcasts and more!
BONUS!! Counselling Skills for Sports Dietitians
Introduction to Counselling Skills for Sports Dietitians (25:41)
Boundaries & Self Reflection (32:50)
Questioning Styles (4:59)
Quiz to claim your CPD Points
Eating Disorder Diagnostics
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